I use to work with children. They are a great source of inspiration. They are looking the world with différents eyes. I wanted to talk with childrens about subjects I really care about : Ecology. I went to talk to 2 teachers in elementary school and we organised a 6 months workshop (seeing each other once a week) with 2 classes of 10 years old childrens.

Exchanging with them, we decided to create a giant city model, only with material from every day's consumation (cereals boxes, plastic bottles ...). We wanted to create a work with a specific aestetic wich can easily remind consumation and bring each of us to our consummation habbits.

We were hable to present this to the school feast at the end of the year. Childrens were realy enthousiasts about presenting their work in front of their parents and friends. They were really good mediators.

For inquiries or collaborations, questions, or simple messages, please contact me by email at alex.varin58@gmail.com . Or follow me on the socials networks.