The National Art School (ENSA) of Dijon with Lionel Thenadey organised in décember 2017 a workshop titled : "Dance Contemporaine". They invited for one week the dance compagny "Numb" to create a show with 15 students, and me.

Crédit photo : Zoé CALVATⓒ, ENSA Dijonⓒ

With Estelle de Montalembert and Maëlle Desclaux (dancers, dance teachers, choregraphers), we worked arround improvisations. Thanks to the autonomie given by the advices of thoses two dancers, we were able to develop a show presented twice in ENSA and one last at the contemporary museum "Le Consortium",
followed by 12 experimental musicians.

For inquiries or collaborations, questions, or simple messages, please contact me by email at . Or follow me on the socials networks.